Rider profile - Oscar Zhang


Rider name 

Oscar Zhang

Instagram handle


Team or worthy cause

MOOD Racing and Lighthouse Youth Project

Tell us about your bike!
I have a Focus Mares 9.7 LTD (Not Griff K's one!), its pink, and its amazing! The moment I got on my bike and took it for my first ride, I instantly fell in love with it! Although the bike didn't come with the best parts, I have slowly saved up to upgrade the bike where I see fit, but either way, it gets me racing CX and exploring those dirt paths less taken, bringing a massive grin to my face no matter what!

20210123 - FOC CX-16.jpg

You'll find me riding or racing in...

Adelaide in C grade mens

My riding/racing is supported by...

The beautiful family at MOOD Racing, Treadly Bike Shop, the incredible people at Lighthouse Youth Project, my dad who's always on standby just incase I hit the deck and my favourite Sausage Doggo Earl!

In my day job I'm...

Uni student and casual bike mechanic

An interest I have outside of cycling is...

Coffee and photography


What brought you to cyclocross?

MOOD Racing and their continuous encouragement.

What riding do you do aside from CX?

Road, Enduro Mountain Biking, and I am always keen to try anything that has to do with two wheels!

Tell us about your first CX race!

My first race was definitely one to never forget. A week after buying and riding my first ever cross bike, I was chucked into the deep end known as the Elite Mens of the SA State Champs! Although I got lapped (Twice!) and stacked it a few times, I instantly fell in love with CX, from the good vibes and encouragement to the focus and fight through the entire hour, it was definitely one to never forget! Also, I got 3rd (out of 3 shhhhhhh) in under 21's, that's always a funny story for everyone as I was completely clueless at the time!


What's your proudest achievement in CX?

My state champs race, enduring the entire hour instead of quitting halfway through.

What's your CX strength?


What's your CX weakness?


How can we spot you on course?

Pink kit, pink bartape, pink socks, pink bike! (I really like pink)

Should we offer you handups, and if so, when?

Yes! Absolutely always! Anytime you want even on training rides!

Photo credit: Image 3 by @rideadelaide, all others by @thatbikenerd.


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