Rider profile - Rob Maxx

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Rider name 

Rob Maxx

Instagram handle


Team or worthy cause

Team Why

Tell us about your bike!
Focus Mares CX frame (Thanks Focus for the replacement!) with Curve carbon wheels, Cinelli kaleidoscope bar tape, SRAM CX1 and the mystical powers of a sage burning ceremony from 2017 to rid the bike of all bad juju.

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You'll find me riding or racing in...

Melbourne/Victoria state series and National series

My riding/racing is supported by...

Bronson is my biggest fan and training buddy, he comes along on trail rides and makes me keep up with him and his speedy lil legs.

In my day job I'm...

A tech nerd talking about how great Cloud Computing is and how it's going to make your life easer (while also reducing power consumption in datacenters powered by coal, and therefore drastically lowering carbon footprints). I am a secret hippie that has infiltrated the corporate tech world.

An interest I have outside of cycling is...

Star Wars, snowboarding, the environment, camping, bikepacking, is being a donut enthusiast a hobby?

What brought you to cyclocross?

A secret handshake with William Jetnikoff was all it took to join the fun on the trails.

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What riding do you do aside from CX?

Gravity Enduro MTB (big jumps), XC MTB (no jumps), Bikepacking, Track (not for a while) and Bike Polo (not for a long time).

Tell us about your first CX race!

I went in with high confidence that my decade of playing Bike Polo, drinking beer and zero fitness would surely land me a sweet podium place to a cheering and adoring crowd. Instead i became good friends with maximum heart rate and the unique feeling of wanting to die while still pushing beyond what seems humanly possible. I was hooked and have been racing every season since, both Nationally and at State level.

What's your proudest achievement in CX?

Coburg VIC series last year, i broke my front wheel on the first lap, lost the whole group, was a lap behind, ran to the pits, swapped wheels (thank you Matty Lee), raced the best race of my life to catch up with the tail end of B grade, and work my way back up to a respectable mid pack finish. Didn't come last!

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What's your CX strength?

Heckling, sprinting until my eyes pop out, mid-race high fives, falling over in front of spectators, rap squat game.

What's your CX weakness?

Pacing, the middle two laps, resisting the urge to sprint.

How can we spot you on course?

Beard (like everyone), Team Why kit, Black/Orange Focus Mares with curve tubs, Blue/Pink protone helmet and Pink glasses.

Should we offer you handups, and if so, when?

If Iā€™m losing, yes.

If I'm winning, yes.

If I'm somewhere in the middle, yes.

If I'm like top 5 with a couple laps to go probably not as I will be unable to breathe let alone gulp fizzy sportz drink, but that doesn't happen, so yes.


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